I'm baaaaccckkk. For a while at least! I have some very exciting news for you all *Drum roll please* On December 11th I finished my LPN year of Nursing School (running around in circles with happiness). One more step to becoming a beloved nurse! It's kind of a big deal, in case you didn't know. So big in fact I told Kyle I deserved a night out on the town after my Pinning Ceremony, so he knew what my expectations were haha. Okay, so maybe I was just really craving Olive Garden. Either way, I felt like I earned it! I have been contemplating this week, as the year comes close to an end of all the things I've done with my life up to this point. I feel like I'm on the steady climb of adulthood. It makes me smile to think back, when people would ask you as a kid what you wanted to be when you "grew up". Now here I am, close to my career and I guess I'm at the "grew up" phase! I don't really feel like I'm old enough to have a career, like where did the time go?? Maybe I don't feel old enough because I still take a bath every night, or the fact I sing at the top of my lungs in the car and imagine myself on stage like T-swift... That probably doesn't help much. But that's me, and I don't think that's ever going to change! So I guess growing up isn't so bad. I always thought it was going to be this devastating time in my life where I had to start reading the newspaper, and develop an extensive vocabulary to keep up with my adult colleagues in the world. And maybe as time goes on I will do that (because it would be nice to sound super smart, and stay up with the news)But I will always be the girl who loves Christmas tree cakes a little too much (like I could eat 5 in one day),knows how to play super smash bro's a little too well (that ones for you Al), and jams in the car a little too loud (Ky and I know how to throw down the beat). Cheers to growing up, and overcoming my fear of becoming an adult!
On a totally random side note, who is excited for Christmas??? Such a dumb question I know. Christmas is my favorite holiday (okay whose is it not) Even though as the years have gone on, and it's become a more worldly holiday focused on presents. I love Christmas because of Christ. The birth of the baby Jesus, who is my Savior and my King. Growing up every Christmas Eve, before we got to open our ornament we would read from the bible about the birth of the savior, lying in a manager. I never realized how much that meant to me, or the way it would impact me as I now have my own little family and the tradition I want to keep alive. To always remember what Christmas is all about. The next morning my parents would gather us together in front of the tree, and as the presents taunted us we would bow our heads in prayer and thank our Father in Heaven for sending us His Beloved Son, to rescue us from our sins so we could live with him again someday. I am excited for the day when we have our own little hooligans running around, that I will get the opportunity to teach the TRUE meaning of Christmas to them. That it's not about what we get, but about what we GIVE. And that we must ALWAYS believe. Love, Sid xoxo

Merry Christmas From: The Beus'