Today I am sick. Being sick in bed is pretty much the pits. Can I get an Amen??
But, after watching my 5th episode of Cupcake Wars (I aspire to be an awesome cupcake baker someday, with the Kitchen Aide I got for our wedding *TWO YEARS AGO* that I've never used) I decided maybe this would be the perfect time to write on my blog.
I have a love hate relationship with my blog.
You see I love to write, or journal I guess you could say. And I feel like I have all these great ideas to talk about and uplifting things to say. But then I sit down, I put my fingers on the keyboard and it takes me a while to get everything in my head to somewhat flow on the screen. I hate how much time it takes. I don't know how all these peeps post once a day, give me your talent! But then I love writing and contemplating too. I aspire to someday write a book as well. Maybe in my next life when I've got eternity to come up with something great.
As you can see I have a lot of aspirations. Beus can attest to me coming up with something new every once and a while to add to my lovely list. What I love about the word aspiration is it means "a hope or ambition of achieving something." I would like to add "achieving something Great." The other night I was really down and hard on myself. Isn't it said that we are all our own worst critic? I don't even know why but I was just thinking of all the things I'm bad at, and all the knowledge I don't have. I know that doubt, defeat, and the feeling of worthlessness comes from Satan, isn't he a cunning guy. He always seems to know how to bring us down. And as I lay there in bed feeling extremely sorry for myself I had a special thing happen. I heard a still small voice whisper in my head "Stop." Except it didn't seem like a whisper, in fact it felt like I was knocked on the head and firmly chided. Taken aback, but grateful. I stopped.
Sometimes I like to think that maybe more of us would benefit from a good knock on the head at times. I know I would! There are moments in my life I look back on and like to imagine Heavenly Father up there watching me, sigh, put his hand to his head and say "Come on Sid, pull it together!!" I'm so grateful he never gives up on me, or anyone. Even when we might, or those around us give up on him. Even though I like to think he gets exasperated with me when sometimes I'm wandering around or letting those feelings of worthlessness creep up, I know he doesn't. And he never will. No matter how far someone may wander along this road back to him, he is always there with open arms welcoming us back in with unhurt feelings and a loving embrace. He is our true friend.
Once growing up I sat home crying to my mom about my unknown journey ahead. I wanted to do so many things with my life and I had no idea if I was going to be able to do any of them. A significant thing i had in mind was serving an LDS mission. I cried telling her it's something I wanted to do, but just didn't know if it was part of my plan at that moment. Lovingly she said something to me that was like a knock on the head. "Sid, having goals and aspirations to do great things will in turn make you a better person, no matter if you end up doing them or not." I realized then that maybe I didn't have to serve a mission to be able to share my love of the gospel, or maybe I didn't have to work in an orphanage to have a loving heart, or maybe it was okay I didn't have straight A's to show I am smart. It dawned on me then that if I Hope and Aspire for greater things, it will cause me to have a change of heart to become a better person and more importantly the person He wants me to be.
So when you're feeling down, Stop. Knock yourself on the head if you have to and realize your divine potential, and that we all have weaknesses. But more importantly we all have STRENGTHS. I challenge you to have aspirations and constantly be working towards your goals. They don't all have to be deep or spiritual. It could be something you've always wanted to try, or become better at. No matter what it is you want to aspire towards, they all can make us great.
*some of* Sid's Aspirations:
Learn how to play the violin, compose my piano song, serve a mission, Humanitarian aide, teach about something in the healthcare field, write a book, make a bombdiggity cupcake, learn how to decorate, understand numbers, teach a fitness class, learn about planting and taking care of tulips, take a photo class, work in the temple, have children, become a nurse.
Until next time my friends.
p.s I found out a couple of weeks ago I got accepted into Weber State's Bachelor Program for the fall! I can almost say: Sidne Beus, RN, BSN *happy dance*
p.p.s look how cute this plant is kyle got for our house. had to take an artsy photo of course.
"Set your goals. But don't become frustrated because there are no obvious victories. Remind yourself that Striving can be more important than Arriving" -Marvin J. Ashton |