Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Little Things

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the little things. And how sometimes all the little things, make up the big things! You follow? I do realize my last post was just about 9 months ago (shame on me). So I am not going to try and update you on every single fun thing I did and learned, but here were some of the highlights...

  • I finished (survived) my 1st semester of nursing school.
  • Kyle and I built a new house 
  • We went to Yellowstone, bear lake, and saint george
  • Made new friends, and caught up with old ones
  • Worked, worked and worked some more
  • And lastly, enjoyed our time together
The summer ended, and now I am back in school. And to be quite honest I really do love it. Sure all I do is study it seems, but for now I am willing to sacrifice that time to work towards a greater goal other than getting my oh so loved nap time in. (I love my naps. sue me.) Or watching the Voice, which just started and mocks me every night it's on. Because remember how next July, I will officially be a Registered Nurse? I imagine it being close to the best day of my life (which up to this point was getting married)... and then another thing will come into my life and I will be onto another adventure. So see, all these little things make up all the big things. And yet, all the big things are made up of the little things. Keep following me peeps, I'm just about to wrap this all together. I've realized my life is made up of a bunch of little things or moments that make each day beautiful. Here are some of mine:

            This Fall Weather. How monday night Ky and I went to Taco bell for dinner as a date. (We love Tbell and it was romantic haha)How I love to call Kyle-Ky,and he hates it so I do it secretly;). Going on bike rides on a Sunday afternoon and trying to see how many grasshoppers we can hit (don't judge). Holding little babies at work, and realizing they just came straight from heaven. Calling my mom, and she always listens and knows exactly what to say to make everything better. Seeing or taking care of elderly people makes my heart swells so big it could burst! Teaching primary with Ky, and as the kids are bouncing off the walls, there's that one kid that says that one thing and you realize they actually listened and end up teaching you a thing or two. At school when the teacher is talking, sometimes I actually know what she's talking about. The blessing of getting an education. Trials. How our home is a sanctuary. Kyle always trying to make me laugh. When I'm feeling down and hard on myself, and I hear that still. small. voice. reminding me of my self worth.

My list of little things that make my days beautiful, could go on and on. I didn't realize that before I started writing! But this I am sure, that God has given me all these little things. So it turns out, that each day when something comes or happens in my life it effects me in some way. Most days, they are just little things or moments and most times they (sadly) go unnoticed. But lately I have been starting to look at those little things, recognize them and remember them. Because almost always, the little things impact your life in the biggest way if you let them. And it makes you realize all the wonderful blessings and tender mercies we get each day. So to my Father in Heaven I am grateful, for helping me see the things each day that matter most. 
P.s. watch my favorite Mormon Message which helps me remember this each day:)  "Moments that matter most"
Love, me.


  1. Love this, thanks for sharing!!! Good reminder for me to look at the small blessings too! :)

    1. I miss you Mollie! So excited for your baby girl:)
