Once Upon a Time...
I graduated from High School, and moved up with 4 of my friends to Utah State. (I loved college) Our first Sunday, we went to our student ward. Sacrament was last, so I remember walking in with my roomies and finding a spot to sit and looking up... I saw him. Seriously, what happened in my mind could be from a movie haha! I first thought "wow, he's hot" and then "I'm going to date him." I don't know how to explain it, but it was just so matter of fact to me! I thought it, and then it was gone. Well, the semester went on and we never talked at all actually! I saw him in ward council occasionally, but not a word was passed between us. Him and his roommates hung out with a certain girl apartment in our ward and my roommates and I hung out with a certain guy apartment, so we just never really crossed paths. So Christmas break came and we all went home. On New Years Eve there was a Regional Single's Party in Ogden, so my roomies and me decided to go. And guess who we ran into....? Kyle! And his friends. We saw them and all realized we kind of new each other! I tried talking to Kyle and was being all flirty and cute (at least I thought, ha!) and he was acting super shy. So I thought "well, that's dumb. cause he's hot." Thought like a true girl, huh? Well, the winter break ended and we were back in freezing Logan! One day, not long after being back from the break I was riding the Aggie shuttle home with a friend. We pulled up to the last stop, and guess who got on... Mr. Kyle. He was chatting on the phone, but that didn't stop me when he walked by, I gave him a little slug in the arm and shot him my most winning smile. Well that smile must've done the trick, because I know my sweat pants, hair pulled back appearance wasn't all that easy on the eyes haha! He sat next to me, and we small talked all the way home. I remember walking into my room and proceeded to tell my bff the story and how cute I thought he was... when the doorbell rang! I looked at her and said "you don't think it's him, do you?" Well it was!! Him and his roommates came by to visit us. After that, we started hanging out with them more. Kyle loved playing hard to get, but I got him to ask me out on a date finally. It was one of the funnest first dates I had ever been on. I remember him bringing me home and we said goodnight and he started to turn around and I said, "Are you gonna hug me, or what?" Haha! I don't know why I said that, but I'll never forget it. Two of my girlfriends were still up to ask me how it went and I just remember saying "Guys, it was... fun. Like really fun. I don't know how to explain it." Well, after that we saw each other everyday for a while. I had no idea what he saw in me because He was super funny, sarcastic, dressed WAY nicer than me... pretty much I just thought he was too good for me. But turns out he really did like me. We loved going on drives in his big black truck and jamming to music, eating out, and having new adventures. The summer came though, and I actually broke up with him. It was a rough time, but I just felt like I needed to figure out some things in my life. (I'm keeping that part short, cause like I said, it wasn't a fun time. And I feel bad this is taking so long) Well anyway, school started back up in the Fall. We hadn't spoke since the summer, and one day on campus I saw him. I went home and knew I needed to just call him to smooth everything out so we could be friends again, cause for some reason I was a wreck after seeing him (that's what I was thinking, that I was just miserable because things had ended badly). That night he came and picked me up to talk, and I knew things had changed. As in, I knew that night I was supposed to marry that Kyle Beus. I couldn't believe it. I had a lot of other plans for myself (so I thought) and that's the thought that came to my mind! Well, I decided to listen to that Heavenly Father... and Kyle and I fell in love over the next 3-4 months. Our memories in Logan are some of my absolute favorite. I never want to forget them! A funny story though was one time we were hanging out at his parents house (we were down for the weekend) and he walked me out to my car to go home and I gave him a hug and said "Love you, bye!" my body went rigid, my mouth went dry, heart started racing, blood rushed to my face... "Oh. my. gosh. Did I just SAY THAT?!" I thought. We hadn't ever even hinted at that "love" word before. I pulled back and looked at him and said, "I meant to say, I like you bye" x3. I literally said that three times before he said "It's okay Sid. Goodnight" As he pushed me into my car. I giggled like a little girl the whole way home, and realized oh my gosh, I really do love that Kyle Beus. So he always teases me that I said it first, but don't worry I didn't say it again until he told me first:) So we got engaged the day before Thanksgiving which was a SHOCK to me. He led me to believe it wouldn't happen until after Christmas. It was a perfect moment, when he got down on one knee and asked if I would be with him forever. Of course I said yes. We got married in the Salt Lake Temple on March 9th, 2012. It was one of the most special days of my life, as I got to look that Kyle in the eyes across the altar, and walk out hand in hand as husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Beus.
And we have lived happily ever after...
-The END
Well, sorry it was so long (I actually left a lot out). But our love story is my favorite. It wasn't all smooth and perfect, it had it's rocky parts like when we broke up for a while. But it was perfect to me. It happened just like it was supposed to. It was full of laughter, tears, heart ache, adventure, and love. Just like a love story should be;) I'm so grateful to my Father in Heaven for showing me who's in control and the plan he has for me, teaching me to have faith, and letting me find my soul mate so early in life. I love you Kyle Beus, and can't wait for you to come home tonight!
Love, the Mrs.
Our 2nd date, which just so happened to be on Valentines:) I laugh at this picture because my arm is around him like that, like a good ol' buddy. |
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The night we got engaged. I was SOO surprised. Look at his cute red cheeks cause he was so nervous. |
Loved this story and I love the movie "The Magic of Ordinary Days!" So glad I stumbled upon your blog :)
I'm so happy to hear someone else loves that movie! It's the best. I am also so happy you came upon my blog, so I could find yours! You are so cute, I love that you're a teacher. Kids are theee best.