Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lesson #1

When in doubt, laugh it out. Or ...just name 20 things you're grateful for.
I guess it's not necessarily when in doubt you should laugh, but it rhymed so I went with it. I've just learned lately that sometimes you just need to learn to laugh! Example: Facebook used to be so cool. At least I thought it was, who am I kidding, everyone did. Now I feel like it seriously is just a place people either 1) complain about everything wrong in their life. 2)  list all your accomplishments in your day and then complain some more about your life. Man, I understand it asks you what is on your mind, but does that really require you to unload it all? Everyone has their bad days and trials. Seriously. As for myself, I have been going through what I think is my biggest trial and tribulation, my career! Even though it's minuscule to those around me it's something that has been getting me down. Through all this I have learned  that I can't control everything and Heavenly Father is teaching me patience AND I have found he is blessing me with the opportunity to rise above it and find happiness. I mean that's what our trials are for, right? To see how we will respond and if we can come out stronger than we were before it! So really, we should be thankful for our trials even though they try our faith at times. I feel so blessed to have married Kyle, because he makes me truly happy. 95% of the time we spend together, we spend laughing. We always are trying to make the other laugh. It's just the best! I work in the Alzheimer's unit at my job. Have been doing it for 2 years next month! Someday's I want to pull my hair out, literally. You're got 20+ residents doing a million different things and you're running from one end of the hall to the next. Someone I work with taught me one of my greatest lessons a couple of weeks ago. There was no smile on my face only 2 hours into work cause it was just the craziest day, and she could tell I was about to lose my mind so she said, "Sometimes you just have to laugh it off! Because really it's not that bad." It was so simple, yet so true. I took that advice not just for work, but for all aspects of life! So I guess to tie in my facebook comment earlier, I understand we all have bad days and are all going through different things at different times. But really, if you take a step back and look at your life, I am 100% POSITIVE you can find at least one good thing about it. And I've discovered that once you find one good thing, that usually leads to another and another and another etc. I believe that being grateful for what you DO have is a key to happiness. So, Sidne Beus' life lesson #1: You're having a bad day? Laugh about it. Sometimes the situation really is funny even if you hate it. Then start naming all the things you're grateful for, because it makes you realize "ya know, I really don't have it that bad."
Laughter is the worlds best medicine.
-Over and Out.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Well, I'm a married women now!!! I can't believe how much time has passed by. Our wedding day was PERFECT. Seriously, we couldn't have asked for a better day. I did come down with a cold the night before we got married, but I took enough drugs to still feel great for our big day. When kyle came and picked me up to take me to the temple I couldn't believe after months of talking about it, we were really on our way there. We both quit talking pulling into Salt Lake, I think just because we were so nervous and excited! The ceremony went great, the luncheon went great and the reception went great. It was just exactly what we had pictured. It was a spiritual and great occasion.
We went on our honeymoon to Cabo, Mexico. Man was that the best week vacation I've ever had! We had an adventure every single day. It was seriously the greatest thing. If you want to see all what we did go to my facebook and check out the pictures! It was crazy coming home because we both were thinking "wow, did we really get married?!" Haha being away that long with no communication with anyone made it seem like it had all been a dream! We were so excited to come home and start our life together. In some ways, I wish we were still back in Cabo. We had nothing to worry about. No work, school, bills, making food. Nothing. But doesn't everyone get like that? But honestly married life is the best. My Dad told me once that his life started when he met and married my mom, and I've come to see that he was absolutely right.
 I highly recommend getting married! If you're scared, get over it. Haha it's the best thing. I've learned so much about myself in just these short months. Things I'm good at and more about things I need to work on. Marriage is an adjustment, but a good one! I've come to realize it's not all about me me me, which i didn't think I was too self centered before but it's something I've found out i need to work on... whoops! But Kyle and I are having fun:) He's graduating from college this saturday!! WOOHOOO!!! Seriously, I think I am more excited than him! Now we can always play after work instead of study! That's been the hardest thing the last month or so. Most of the time we have opposite schedules for work, so when one of us comes home we just want to play! (our favorite game is Rummikub. we play it almost every night.) So it's been hard to make him go study when we don't get much time together. That's what stinks about growing up, working. We've come to really appreciate the time we get to spend together. For example, this morning I woke up at 5 because I thought I worked at 6. Well I got to work and I found out I woke up for nothing because i don't work until 2! Well instead of being upset I was so excited to go home and get to spend an hour with Kyle before he went to work all day! That is the best thing about being married, all the little things.
The last thing I really have to say is through it all we still have our trials. Lately I've been so lost trying to figure out what on earth I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I feel stuck and going no where fast. It might sound dumb, but it's been one of my hardest trials! But, through prayer and church and attending the temple I know somethings going to work out, I've just got to keep pushing forward! Because no matter how lost or alone we may feel we all still matter to him. (thank you President Uckdorf)
p.s. SO excited for summer and no school with Kyle!!