Friday, August 28, 2015

Pep talks and Facing Fears.

I want you to picture in your mind the person or persons that you go to when you need a good pep talk. Everyone has one, even if it's yourself. I only say that cause I can give a pretty mean pep talk. Sorry for the humble brag. But, let's be honest here. Sometimes your own pep talks get a little weak and you really need to hear some encouragement from someone else. Mine is my mother. She basically could do it for a living.
Let me back up a bit. If you follow me on Instagram you would have discovered I decided to continue on with my education and obtain my Master's Degree in Nursing. Insert wide eyed emoji, crying face emoji, forced smile emoji here. I'm just being brutally honest, because I'm all about honesty. I am not thrilled with this decision, but yet I feel at peace about it. Funny how these things happen that way at times. Up to this point in my life, basically all that I've accomplished and done I (emphasizing on the I part) have wanted to do. This was NOT apart of my plan, and therefore threw me for quite the loop. Yet I have come to know through this experience of making a decision on whether to continue on or not, that my Heavenly Father knows me way better than I even know myself. Back to being honest, deep down I have always pictured myself doing something more, but never really believed that I could do it.
SO today, I had my orientation. School starts Monday. (P.s. it's all online. score.) I immediately called my mom, after texting Kyle how bad I was FREAKING out (sadly he's at a scouts overnighter) and I told her what I had just been doing and she didn't even think twice and gave me the pep talk of a lifetime, per usual. Seriously, you guys? What would we do without moms. Shout out to all the mom's out there. Okay I'm rambling. So here is my pep talk to you/myself:
1. Every morning, you look in that mirror and love that person you see staring back. I'm my own worst critic and sometimes my own voice in the back of my head turns on me! Rude! And reminds me of all my inadequacies. And sometimes, I believe it. So when you start feeling like you aren't pretty enough, or smart enough, or strong enough, you give that voice a good upper cut and remind yourself you love that person looking back at you. 
2. I worry SO much. I worry myself sick about just the dumbest things. I worry especially about what OTHER people THINK of ME. K really, stop. Just stop. Half the time I make up all these things in my head that people probably think of me. Then I feel bad about myself. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. If i'm doing what's right for me, that's what matters.
3. Don't you ever give up. Sometimes we have to do hard things to grow. In fact, that's how we grow and change and become better! When we push ourselves out of our comfort zones. So start pushing! And discover who you can be.
4. My religion is a big part of who I am,  so my advice would be to have faith. My greatest comforter and guider is my Heavenly Father. He knows who I can be if I let him refine me. Remembering that there is a plan for me brings me great comfort, and remembering that He knows my hopes and dreams and if I have faith he will lead me there. I can't do these things alone, and I don't have to. 

Last but not least: Tell yourself everyday- I KNOW i can do hard things. I don't think it, I KNOW it. 

So there is that my friends. Next up: Ramblings about my summer and nothing!
I worked. And I played. We went to San Diego. That was THEE funnest trip ever. I even convinced Kyle to take me to Disney for a day, which is still just as magical. I'll use some pics instead of words to show you what we did. If you haven't played spikeball I encourage you to find a friend who has played, you'll be obsessed. I was even featured as #LadySpiker of the week on instagram. haha! Hilarious, you guys. I edged the lawn for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago. That's kind of a big deal because I've always been terrified I would cut my leg off edging. Don't worry, I have both legs still and the lawn is looking nice I might add. After the bachelorette ended (man that was a doozy of a season! Am i right?) The Monday night neighborhood club is now watching the Mindy Project. Which I love. TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT IS NEXT FRIDAY. I've got the biggest girl crush on her. I still love my job. Life is good. 

Thanks for reading! Until next time

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